Navigating Financial Success with an LSO

Landing Signal Officer talks F/A-18 down to safe landing

As a retired Naval Aviator who spent years flying jets around aircraft carriers, I’ve experienced my share of high-stakes moments. Each mission concluded with an exciting, “controlled” landing (cool video) on a moving runway and trusting the guidance of a Landing Signal Officer (LSO) to bring us pilots back home safely.  What many don’t realize is that, even for the most experienced aviator, those final moments of landing are some of the most challenging. This is especially true when environments change like a pitching deck, reduced visibility, or other variables outside your control.

For those unfamiliar, the LSO is your shipmate on the flight deck who uses his unique perspective, tools, and experience to guide aviators during the final approach. The LSO’s role isn’t just helpful—it’s essential, providing real-time feedback to ensure a safe recovery (great example video). Even the best pilots rely on this guidance, as landing on a moving, often pitching boat requires a precise approach that considers factors like weather, positioning, and available systems—they don’t always work as advertised, folks!

With the Navy’s annual Tailhook Convention concluding in Reno, NV this weekend, I reflected on my career and realized a parallel: just as the LSO assists pilots through this risky phase of flight, a good financial planner guides families through the complex, unpredictable phases of their own financial journey. Both roles require expertise, technology, and the ability to anticipate changing conditions. The best LSOs were coaches who knew you just by the sound of your voice over the radio and anticipated your strengths and weaknesses. Now as a financial planner, I strive to build similar relationships for my clients.

Many aviators are highly trained and capable, much like confident “Do-It-Yourself” investors who manage their own portfolios. These investors often feel in control, armed with knowledge and self-reliance. However, just as even the best pilots need guidance during landing, DIY investors can benefit from professional advice when navigating unforeseen financial complexities.

In both cases, it’s easy to underestimate the challenges of changing conditions. Whether it’s unexpected weather that complicates a landing or a sudden market downturn that threatens an unverified financial plan, the environment can shift rapidly, making expert guidance even more critical.

The bottom line is that everyone can benefit from expert guidance during critical moments. As a pilot who [occasionally] needed help, hearing that calming LSO voice over the radio was an inexplicable reassurance when things got a little hairy. In the Navy, the LSO helps manage risk, allowing pilots to focus on executing the approach with precision.

Similarly, a financial planner helps manage the risks associated with investing, retirement, taxes, and estate planning. And the best advisors integrate all planning into one comprehensive strategy. Our professionals provide peace of mind (ataraxis) by helping you navigate the most challenging phases of your financial journey.

Just as I entrusted the LSO to guide me safely back to the flight deck, many DIY’s should consider trusting a financial planner to manage life savings.  Whether navigating the vast seas of financial media, preparing for tax storms on the horizon, or just ensuring a safe retirement with absolute certainty, having experts by your side can make all the difference. At Ataraxis we assemble financial, estate, and tax planners for you in one ready room.

At the end of the day, even the most experienced and savvy of us should use a helping hand to reach the final goal. No matter how confident you are today, the Ataraxis team can provide the guidance you need to ensure your family’s safe, successful “landing” tomorrow.

Ready to protect and grow your assets? Book a FREE call with us. Visit and learn how our one-stop-shop Ataraxis solution can help you navigate your financial future with confidence.

Consulting Services

We know lawyers aren’t the only answer. Ataraxis Law Firm, PLLC is affiliated with Ataraxis Financial LLC consulting firm which provides strategic services that complement and enhance our legal services. By collaborating with our affiliates, we provide clients with a financial consultant who understands your financial planning strategies and a lawyer who understands your long-term estate planning strategies. We offer a cohesive, big-picture approach and innovative solutions.

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